Friday, May 29, 2009

it's a pirate party - arrgh!

For Morgan's 8th Birthday Party, she finally let me talk her into doing a "pIrAtE pArTy". It was crazy trying to do her party the last day of school and a few days before leaving on vacation, but well worth it. Everything turned out really cute, even the huge pirate chest birthday cake I was determined to make. It lasted right up until the time we set it on the table. At least I was able to get a picture of it!

Friday, May 8, 2009

cali cousins

Last weekend, our cousins from California, Maddie and Riley, were here for a visit! It's been close to 4 years since we have seen them, so the girls were super excited to spend the weekend playing with them. They had tons of fun chasing one another around and playing with Grandma Sandy's toys! We were sad to say goodbye to them, since we're not sure when we will see them again. Hopefully it won't be another 4 years!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

tooey's new summer do!

Tabbey looks so cute with her new hairdo!